*Diffraction is a certain set of phenomena observed
in the propagation of light in a medium with sharp inhomogeneities, more simply - the enveloping
of obstacles by light waves.
* "All natural entities - biosystems, like a forest, or even our bodies, necessarily need stress. Without receiving that stress, the system will have no volatility and will tend to collapse."
Naseem Taleb
*Pearls are the highest element in the symbolic hierarchy of semi-precious stones as an image of perfection and beauty, just as a person's inner balance based on the certainty of their anti-fragility is the highest level of conscious being.
"An unmeaning life has no meaning" Nassim Taleb
*"The triad: fragile, invulnerable, antifragile is the Phoenix bird, the Sword of Damocles, the Hydra. Each of us has three choices to react in an unexpected situation: be fragile, vulnerable, or antifragile.
-If you are fragile, then any trouble can tear a horsehair and fall on you like a sword of Damocles;
-if you are invulnerable, then you come out of any difficult situation like a Phoenix bird reborn from the ashes;
-if you are antifragile, then in case of an unfortunate development of events you, like a hydra, have three new opportunities instead of one cut down!"
* The easy way does not produce growth. Post-traumatic growth, according to Taleb, is 10 times more common than post-traumatic stress. Which means these environments where we expose ourselves to stress are beneficial rather than dangerous. But, you still need to be able to find the middle ground.
"The life of a particular person is an amazing piece of luck, a rare event, an accident of gigantic magnitude, i.e., a Black Swan."
* A black swan is a rare event of enormous impact"
Nassim Taleb
* "The cardinal ethical rule is formulated as follows: do not possess antifragility at the expense of the fragility of others."
Nassim Taleb
* However simple the tricks may seem at first glance, they require from the illusionist enormous, constant labor, scientific knowledge, incessant search for new ways and great artistic skill.
Art objects are transferred artifacts of virtual space into the material world. The symbolism of these works is revealed directly through the technique of creating the works. The basis of a separate module - drops - is the paradox of Rupert's drops. These are frozen drops of tempered glass that have extremely high internal mechanical stresses. If you drop molten glass into cold water and the glass does not burst, you get a tadpole-shaped drop with a long curved "tail". The drop is extremely strong: you can hit its "head" with a hammer and it will not break. But if you break the tail, the drop instantly explodes into small fragments. By hiding the vulnerable tips of the drops, the artist has made them absolutely antifragile. Art objects consist of a large number of elements (20 to 150 drops)
* These antifragile drops have become absolutely invulnerable, but just like people, not realizing their unified substance, remain fragmented.
* Black Swan - a theory that considers hard-to-predict and rare events that have significant consequences; named after Nassim Taleb's book of the same name. To understand antifragility is to stop feeling fear of Black Swans and accept them as something necessary to history.
Absolute mimicry is the ability to copy or deprive a certain ability with subsequent acquisition of it. A creature with this type of mimicry can copy an ability at spatial contact and add it to its "piggy bank of abilities", and at physical contact deprive the owner of the ability, taking it for itself, and again add it to its "piggy bank of abilities". This type of mimicry actually makes its possessor invulnerable, since he can use the copied ability without limit, i.e. without the presence of its primary possessor nearby, etc.
* "Any stress in sufficient quantity ... bad or good, love or pain, can break our common sense and give us thoughts and abilities that we can't get any other way."
Chuck Palahniuk's "Diary"
"The key property of antifragility is the love of mistakes. Antifragility helps you to start acting even when you have absolutely no idea what you should do and where it will lead you. Thanks to what you quickly adapt to new conditions. In today's world, it's crucial to learn this skill because everything is constantly changing.”
Nassim Taleb
"Antifragility is not the same as elasticity, flexibility or invulnerability. The flexible or elastic resists a shake and remains the same; the antifragile, having passed through trials, becomes better than before."
Nassim Taleb
* The easy way does not produce growth. Post-traumatic growth, according to Taleb, is 10 times more common than post-traumatic stress. Which means these environments where we expose ourselves to stress are beneficial rather than dangerous. But, you still need to be able to find the middle ground.
* "Evolution is the king of adaptability. It is adaptability and the ability to change rather than break under the pressure of circumstances and external factors that is the key to survival."
* "The fulfillment of a supertask is the key to invulnerability. If a person constantly copes with supertasks, he does not need to think about what will happen next.
Every new situation that arises that may arise will be just another supertask. A supertask is a very spiritual thing. It's a way of life and a whole science that leads you to invulnerability."
Nassim Taleb
* "The game establishes order and is impossible without observance of certain rules; in the game is realized not only the human desire for competition, but also the need for rest, discharge; closely related to the game is the concept of winning, that is, a kind of elevation as a result of the game"